Watering is an essential part of tree service. But even this simple task requires good understanding of how much water your tree actually needs. In other words, we cannot just water them how we feel like watering them. Trees need a particular amount of water, nothing more or lesser than that. Overwatering them may cause the soil to clog, and at the same time, insufficient water can result in dehydration and eventually, death of the tree.
In this guide, we unveil the basic understanding of how you should water your trees and plants in the right manner. FACTORS There are many factors that determine how much of water is required. Some of them are: Age of tree: Tree age is an important determining factor. A newly planted tree and a large, established tree would have different requirements of water intake. A newly planted tree does not have roots that are strong yet, and hence it requires sufficient amount of water. A tree that is one or two years old will have a root system that does not possess a well-established root system. And also the tree would be under stress as it will expel a lot of energy in its young years. To make things easier for your young tree, you could regularly water it until its roots are well developed. Seasons: This is rather easier to understand. During summer, your tree would need a lot of water. The moisture content stored in the soil would definitely help the tree to survive drought years. And during monsoon, trees would not need a lot of water, or even none at all since it may cause over clogging which is yet another problem. Weather: During drought, the moisture content in the soil would be very less; hence intake of water will increase as well. In very wet years, watering is not needed very much. Soil conditions: The texture of the soil that grounds the tree determines how much moisture it can contain. Soil that contains clay can hold more moisture when compared to grainy soils. Therefore, the type of soil is also a major factor. If your environment is more prone to a high temperature, or a lot of rain, then the following species of trees are advisable to be planted in your area. SPECIES DROUGHT TOLERANT SPECIES Japanese Zelkova Thornless Honeylocust Kentucky Coffeetree Arizona Cypress Kentucky Coffeetree HIGH MOISTURE CONTENT TOLERANT SPECIES Baldcypress Paper Birch Shellbark Hickory Red Maple Due to our dry climate here in Las Vegas, watering is essential for tree life. For any questions about tree service, Call us at Las Vegas Tree Trimmers. 5354 Lindell Rd. Apt. 1111 Las Vegas, NV 89118 (702) 793-2711
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